285 USD to GBP Exchange Rate Today - US Dollar/Pound Sterling (2024)

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1 USD = 0.762 GBP

1 GBP = 1.312 USD

(Mid-market exchange rate)

Last updated Sep 07, 2024 13:36 GMT

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USD to GBP conversion chart

Below is the live and historical US Dollar to Pound Sterling rate chart so you can see today's rate - and how the rates have changed over time.

1 USD = 0.762 GBP


Last 7 days Last 30 days 2024202320222021

Current period

285 US Dollar to Pound Sterling stats | USD to GBP

Stat Last 7 days Last 30 days Last 90 days Last year Selected period on chart
High 0.764 0.789 0.792 0.828 0.789
Low 0.758 0.754 0.754 0.754 0.754
Average 0.761 0.768 0.777 0.792 0.768
Volatility 0.79% 4.64% 5.04% 9.81% 4.64%

What is the US Dollar worth against the Pound Sterling today?

1 USD is worth 0.762 GBP today

How much is 285 USD worth in GBP?

At the current exchange rate of 0.762 , a sum of 285 US Dollar is worth 217.17 Pound Sterling.

Which currency is stronger? USD or GBP?

The Pound Sterling is currently stronger than the US Dollar given that 1 GBP is equal to 1.312 USD. Conversely, 1 USD is worth 0.762 GBP.

Overview of USD to GBP Performance and Trends

Today, to buy 285 US Dollar, you need 217.17 Pound Sterling. On the same date last year, you needed 228.57 Pound Sterling for 285 US Dollar. This change indicates that the US Dollar has lost value against the Pound Sterling by 4.99% over the past year.

The pair experienced moderate volatility of 9.81%.

Moderate volatility means there is a moderate risk of price changes. It represents a balance of potential gains and risks.

USD to GBP Currency Performance and Volatility

Last 7 Days

  • Performance: $285 varied between £0.758 (weekly low) and £0.764 (weekly high), a variance of £0.006 .
  • Volatility: Fluctuated by 0.79%.

Last 30 Days

  • Performance: $285 varied between £0.754 (30-day low) to £0.789 (30-day high), a variance of £0.035 .
  • Volatility: Fluctuated by 4.64%.

Last 90 Days

  • Performance: $285 varied between £0.754 (90-day low) to £0.792 (90-day high), a variance of £0.038 .
  • Volatility: Fluctuated by 5.04%.

Last Year

  • Performance: $285 ranged from £0.754 (yearly low) to £0.828 (yearly high), a variance of £0.074 .
  • Volatility: Fluctuated by 9.81%.

USD to GBP Forecast and trending

Is the US Dollar going up or down against the Pound Sterling?

Today's USD to GBP exchange rate (0.762) is higher compared to yesterday's rate (0.759).

Conversion rate US Dollar to Pound Sterling
1 USD 0.76200 GBP
5 USD 3.81000 GBP
10 USD 7.62000 GBP
20 USD 15.24000 GBP
25 USD 19.05000 GBP
50 USD 38.10000 GBP
100 USD 76.20000 GBP
250 USD 190.50000 GBP
500 USD 381.00000 GBP
1,000 USD 762.00000 GBP
2,000 USD 1,524.00000 GBP
5,000 USD 3,810.00000 GBP
10,000 USD 7,620.00000 GBP
Conversion rate Pound Sterling to US Dollar
1 GBP 1.31234 USD
5 GBP 6.56168 USD
10 GBP 13.12336 USD
20 GBP 26.24672 USD
25 GBP 32.80840 USD
50 GBP 65.61680 USD
100 GBP 131.23360 USD
250 GBP 328.08399 USD
500 GBP 656.16798 USD
1,000 GBP 1,312.33596 USD
2,000 GBP 2,624.67192 USD
5,000 GBP 6,561.67979 USD
10,000 GBP 13,123.35958 USD

Currency information

USD - US Dollar

The currency code for US Dollar is USD.

The USD currency symbol is $.

Minor unit: 1/100 = Cent

USD rank by most traded currencies: 1

Avg proportion of daily world trade volume: 44.25%

USD rank by strongest currencies (buying power): 10

The US Dollar is the currency of 22 countries:
United States, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, United States Virgin Islands, Bonaire, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cambodia, East Timor, Ecuador, El Salvador, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Palau, Panama, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Turks and Caicos Islands, Zimbabwe

More US Dollar (USD) information >

GBP - Pound Sterling

The currency code for Pound Sterling is GBP.

The GBP currency symbol is £.

Minor unit: 1/100 = Penny

GBP rank by most traded currencies: 4

Avg proportion of daily world trade volume: 6.45%

GBP rank by strongest currencies (buying power): 5

The Pound Sterling is the currency of 10 countries:
United Kingdom, Bailiwick of Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Saint Helena, British Antarctic Territory, Tristan da Cunha

More Pound Sterling (GBP) information >

Understanding USD to GBP Currency Exchange: Our Top Tips

Let's look at some practical information, ideas and tips to help you make sure you can get the most from your money when you convert US Dollar to Pound Sterling, to send a payment, for a trip overseas, when shopping online or to hold a balance in Pound Sterling.

How to convert USD to GBP?

You can convert US Dollar to Pound Sterling either in a physical location or online. If you choose to exchange money at a currency exchange store, bank or at the airport, you'll be given your Pound Sterling in cash. Or, you can choose to convert digitally, to send a payment overseas for example.

If you're exchanging money in a physical location you'll usually need to take the following steps:

  • Choose an exchange service that suits your needs
  • Head there with the money in US Dollar cash to exchange
  • Get a quote for the exchange rate and any commission or fee you need to pay
  • Hand over your money and receive your Pound Sterling in cash

Exchanging your money digitally is often easier. As an example, here's how to send a payment overseas:

  • Choose an international payment service that suits your needs and head to their desktop site, or download their app
  • Tap Send Payment
  • Enter the amount in US Dollar you want to send, or the amount in Pound Sterling you want your recipient to get in the end
  • You'll be shown a quote for the exchange rate and any commission or fee you need to pay
  • Choose your preferred payment method, and follow the prompts to pay
  • Your money will be deposited to your recipient's bank account directly, in Pound Sterling

How to get the best USD to GBP exchange rate?

Because banks, currency exchange offices and international payment services all set their own exchange rates, you'll need to shop around a little to find the best USD to GBP exchange rate for your specific transaction.

Get to know the USD/GBP mid-market exchange rate using reputable currency conversion tools, so you'll be able to see how the market is trending. You can often set up rate alerts so the service you choose will send you a message when the USD/GBP mid-market exchange rate hits your preferred level. Once you see a rate you like, act fast to complete your transaction before markets move again.

Another smart option is to open a multi-currency account which lets you hold a selection of major world currencies, often including US Dollar and Pound Sterling. This can be helpful if you transact internationally often, live overseas, receive payments from abroad, invest in diverse markets or even if you simply love to shop online with international retailers. Because you can hold a balance in the currency or currencies of your choice, there's no need to convert from one currency to another unnecessarily - you can wait until exchange rates are favorable to avoid losing out.

How to buy US Dollar with Pound Sterling?

You'll be able to exchange Pound Sterling to US Dollar in the same way as you'd exchange US Dollar to Pound Sterling. If you have Pound Sterling in your pocket in cash, you can take them along to a currency exchange service and ask if they'll buy back in exchange for Pound Sterling. Be aware that the exchange rate might not be great - so coming back from a trip with as little foreign cash as possible is a smart plan.

On the other hand, if you hold US Dollar in a bank or specialist provider account, you'll be able to take advantage of online currency exchange services which can often offer fast, efficient and good value conversion which uses a better rate than a bank would.

Where to exchange USD to GBP?

You can exchange currencies in person at a currency exchange store, bank or airport, or use an online service instead. It's helpful to know that in person currency exchange options can offer a pretty poor deal overall, as exchange rates commonly include a markup - an extra fee. If you're exchanging somewhere with little local competition - like at an airport or hotel, for example - the chances are that the rate you get will be even worse.

A good alternative is to open a multi-currency account which lets you hold and exchange currencies digitally - and if you pick an account which also offers a linked debit card, you can make ATM withdrawals at home and abroad whenever you need cash. Digital specialist services can often offer a better exchange rate with lower overall costs compared to using your bank or exchanging cash in person - plus they're intuitive to use and let you manage your money with just your phone.

Most popular currency pairings for USD (US Dollar)









Most popular currency pairings for GBP (Pound Sterling)









Most popular currency rates

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To INR 83.96890 0.06272 - 0.59015 61.86920 93.08370 110.25100 11.82990 4.20179
To JPY 142.28500 0.10628 1.69450 - 104.83700 157.76000 186.82000 20.04580 7.11991
To CAD 1.35720 0.00101 0.01616 0.00954 - 1.50452 1.78200 0.19121 0.06791
To EUR 0.90208 0.00067 0.01074 0.00634 0.66466 - 1.18450 0.12709 0.04514
To GBP 0.76162 0.00057 0.00907 0.00535 0.56117 0.84424 - 0.10730 0.03811
To CNY 7.09800 0.00530 0.08453 0.04989 5.22989 7.86849 9.31967 - 0.35518
To MXN 19.98410 0.01493 0.23799 0.14045 14.72450 22.15340 26.23910 2.81546 -

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Frequently asked questions when converting US Dollar to Pound Sterling (USD to GBP)

How much is the US Dollar to Pound Sterling?

The US Dollar to Pound Sterling exchange rate today is 0.762 . Use this guide to learn more about exchanging USD to GBP in the easiest and best value way for your specific needs.

How much is 285 US Dollar to the Pound Sterling?

The USD to GBP rate today is 0.762 . That means that 285 US Dollar would be worth 217.17 Pound Sterling.

How to exchange US Dollar to Pound Sterling?

Exchange USD to GBP in person at a bank, currency exchange store or airport - or for a better exchange rate and to avoid standing in line in a physical store, use a digital service. Online currency exchange services are safe, intuitive and easy to use, to send payments internationally, or hold and exchange multiple currencies including USD to GBP.

How to send money to United Kingdom?

If you want to send money from United States - or anywhere else in the world - to United Kingdom, you'll be able to do so through your bank or an online specialist service like Wise. Specialist international money transfer services can often offer better exchange rates and lower overall costs for payments to United Kingdom - plus, you'll be able to get everything arranged with just your laptop or phone.

What is the Mid-Market Rate?

The mid-market exchange rate is the rate that banks and currency exchange services get when they buy and sell currencies like Pound Sterling and US Dollar on wholesale markets. It's an important benchmark you can use to measure whether the exchange rate you're offered by a bank or exchange service is fair.

Usually banks and exchange services add a percentage margin - known as a markup - to the exchange rate they get themselves. But this markup can vary a lot, and in some cases pushes up the cost of currency exchange significantly. Learning about the mid-market rate and monitoring it can mean you get a better deal when you exchange currencies.

Get the live US Dollar to Pound Sterling exchange rate with our handy tools, to help you compare your options.

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285 USD to GBP Exchange Rate Today - US Dollar/Pound Sterling (2)

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285 USD to GBP Exchange Rate Today - US Dollar/Pound Sterling (2024)


285 USD to GBP Exchange Rate Today - US Dollar/Pound Sterling? ›

1 USD = 0.761278 GBP Sep 04, 2024 18:11 UTC

Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here.

How much is $100 US in British pounds? ›

US Dollars to British Pounds conversion rates
100 USD76.08 GBP
500 USD380.40 GBP
1,000 USD760.81 GBP
5,000 USD3,804.08 GBP
7 more rows

How much is 1 US dollar to 1 British pound? ›

1 USD = 0.761278 GBP Sep 04, 2024 18:11 UTC

Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here.

Is the dollar strong against the British pound? ›

Basic Info. US Dollar to British Pound Exchange Rate is at a current level of 0.7577, down from 0.7637 the previous market day and down from 0.7915 one year ago. This is a change of -0.78% from the previous market day and -4.26% from one year ago.

What is dollar to pound right now? ›

0.76179 GBP

What is the cheapest way to convert dollars to GBP? ›

You can exchange/convert Dollars to Pounds using a bank or a money transfer specialist. While both are viable options, a money transfer specialist is likely to be your cheapest option both in terms of exchange rates and the fees you pay.

How much US dollars is 1 pound in the UK? ›

1 GBP = 1.314148 USD Sep 04, 2024 16:49 UTC

Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here. The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently.

Is it better to exchange money in the UK or the US? ›

It could be more beneficial to buy your dollars in the UK rather than when when you arrive in the US. This is because the pound-to-dollar exchange rate in the UK is can be better than some of the rates offered by providers in America.

What is a good USD to GBP rate? ›

Email me when
1 USD to GBPLast 30 daysLast 90 days
1 more row

Is the British pound cheaper than the US dollar? ›

1 GBP to USD stats

The performance of GBP to USD in the last 30 days saw a 30 day high of 1.3255 and a 30 day low of 1.2683. This means the 30 day average was 1.2976. The change for GBP to USD was 2.61. The performance of GBP to USD in the last 90 days saw a 90 day high of 1.3255 and a 90 day low of 1.2621.

Should I buy pounds before going to London? ›

Resist the urge to buy foreign currency before your trip.

Some tourists feel like they must have euros or British pounds in their pockets when they step off the airplane, but they pay the price in bad stateside exchange rates. Wait until you arrive to withdraw money.

Should I pay in USD or GBP? ›

It's always better to pay in the local currency when you're on holiday. If a retailer offers to convert your card transaction into pound sterling, politely decline and continue with the transaction in the local currency. So if you're in France, pay in euros, if you're in the United States, pay in US dollars.

How much is $100 US in pounds? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / British Pound Sterling
100 USD76.08320 GBP
250 USD190.20800 GBP
500 USD380.41600 GBP
1000 USD760.83200 GBP
8 more rows

Why is the pound dropping against the dollar? ›

What is causing the drop in the U.K. pound? The U.K. economy has experienced a significant negative, external shock from higher energy prices, which is weighing on the growth outlook as a larger share of income is being spent on energy bills — the so-called 'cost of living' shock.

Where is the US dollar worth the most? ›

Best Places to Visit Where the Dollar Is Strong
  • Peru. Peru/Peruvian Sol. ...
  • South Africa. South Africa/South African Rand. ...
  • Mexico. Mexico/Mexican Peso. ...
  • South Korea. South Korea/South Korean Won. ...
  • Japan. Japan/Japanese Yen. ...
  • Argentina. Argentina/Argentine Peso. ...
  • Hungary. Hungary/Hungarian Forint. ...
  • Chile. Chile/Chilean Peso.
Aug 29, 2024

What is $20 dollars in pounds? ›

Download Our Currency Converter App
Conversion rates US Dollar / British Pound Sterling
20 USD15.18776 GBP
50 USD37.96940 GBP
100 USD75.93880 GBP
250 USD189.84700 GBP
8 more rows

How much is $50 US dollars in British pounds? ›

Convert US Dollar to British Pound
50 USD38.0313 GBP
100 USD76.0626 GBP
500 USD380.313 GBP
1,000 USD760.626 GBP
6 more rows

How much is $1000 US in England? ›

US Dollars to British Pounds conversion rates
1,000 USD760.48 GBP
5,000 USD3,802.41 GBP
10,000 USD7,604.83 GBP
50,000 USD38,024.16 GBP
7 more rows

How many dollars is 10 pounds in England? ›

British Pounds to US Dollars conversion rates
10 GBP13.07 USD
25 GBP32.68 USD
50 GBP65.36 USD
100 GBP130.73 USD
7 more rows


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.